Thursday, 9 February 2012


Hepatitis A is generally known as jaundice a viral disease caused by is not dangerous if treat it early.
it spreads in the dark dirty & narrow places. specially in the areas  where people drink contaminated water and not eat fresh vegetables or food. lack of food is also a big reason for it.
it is also a blood transmitted avoid unsafe sexual intercourse.
sometimes people take it very easy it is not good for them.because long duration of this disease can damage liver.that can become HEP B&C that is very dangerous.

Drinking water should always use after boiling.
drink plenty of fluids.maintain ur fluid input.
avoid always fast & fatty food.
don't smoke
don't drink alcohol.
use always disposable razor and blade.
use cholesterol free diet.

Glucose such as glaxose D mix in water and drink frequently.
use green leaves vegetables in excessive quantity.
use carrot sugarcane moli & salad .
inj 10% glucose 1000 ml 2 times daily.
inj jetipar 1 ampule in 10% glucose.
treatment continue for 1 wk.

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